Monday, 27 December 2010
Skype Voice meetings
Alright after doing the storyboard sticky note video on Sony Vegas we thought it would be better to hold a skype call so we can do organisation without the need for face to face calls. I will try to record the voice call and then attach it to a video with image translations to certain words.
Thursday, 16 December 2010
Tuesday, 14 December 2010
Prop post 1
So now begins the massive hunt and research into props for the OTS currently Lee is next to me searching google for diffrent props. We may need to buy or fabriacate a few replica props. Im sure i might be able to scratch build a few props (if we can't find any other props of simillar style)
Will Edit This Later
Will Edit This Later
Thursday, 9 December 2010
Update of Sorts
We had a Team discussion and have discussed; New Cast
Dates of filming and other deadlines
We are gonna ask drama students for actors in our film. We are also gonna be doing some audience research and some market research. I'm going to be drawing up a mind-map of all the media type things that are in my day to day life, just to show the influence of media in my life
So far we have managed to recruit a few actors for out cast. They are all competent actors who i and the rest of my team believe will be able to play the characters very well.
My Quick review on windows move maker. I used it to make a quike
Dates of filming and other deadlines
We are gonna ask drama students for actors in our film. We are also gonna be doing some audience research and some market research. I'm going to be drawing up a mind-map of all the media type things that are in my day to day life, just to show the influence of media in my life
So far we have managed to recruit a few actors for out cast. They are all competent actors who i and the rest of my team believe will be able to play the characters very well.
My Quick review on windows move maker. I used it to make a quike
Thursday, 2 December 2010
Film Noir pitch
Recently i've did a pitch of the team's film noir pitch. Along with Lee Cooper and Sam High we pitched our idea to the class and the teacher whilst it was being recorded. Soon I'll put up a video of it when i receive the files
Wednesday, 1 December 2010
Continuity task That Joe, Kathrine and me who made the continuity task. Tell me what'ca think?
Sunday, 21 November 2010
Video Bloggers
Well Youtube Bloggers to be precise but still they're interesting Youtubers, I don't know if this is worth anything but im thinking about video blogging now and then with status updates on the project, So here are 2 bloggers who are flat mates who i stumbled on separately and only found out a few days back they flat share.
Alex Day:
Charlie McDonnell:
if you have a spare moment watch a few videos and click subscribe maybe? they always bring out originally material which is mostly funny but they do do a few information based video posts.
Alex Day:
Charlie McDonnell:
if you have a spare moment watch a few videos and click subscribe maybe? they always bring out originally material which is mostly funny but they do do a few information based video posts.
Blog Review
I've looked at two blogs; Blaine's blog and Ben's Blog, I've gotten ideas of what to do to my blog to make it better. I noticed that Ben's blog has lots of text and information on it making is slightly boring but still worth the read. On the other hand, with Blaine's blog there is a healthy balance between image, video and embedding posts though out the blog. I think that to make my blog better i should embed more often but still remember to put the vital information into the posts. I might add a little summary section at the bottom of each post for those who don't like to read lots of text.
I've been browsing around
On one of my many adventures around the interwebs i've found some useful websites and blogs
Thursday, 18 November 2010
A self reminder
This is just a little reminder for me to add some links of flim noir websites and other helpful websites also i need to review a blog
Film Noir. Still Frame insperation


These images have given me some insperation on how to base the film
Tuesday, 16 November 2010
A kick up the
I've been a little lazy on my blog posting and submissions to websites. From now on i'll set deadlines and tasks for me to do of an evening. I will set wednesday evenings, and every other wednesday afternoon. i will also try to do about an hour or so blogging, submitting and doing general media stuff over the week. I can't do everyday but i will try my hardest to do so.
So, my tasks are: Post any missing work
Upload Images
Put Task Lists into my posts
If i forget to keep up with deadlines then please shout at me. I need to be reminded as i can usually get sidetracked when surfing the internet and just generally being near my pc.
So, my tasks are: Post any missing work
Upload Images
Put Task Lists into my posts
If i forget to keep up with deadlines then please shout at me. I need to be reminded as i can usually get sidetracked when surfing the internet and just generally being near my pc.
Concept board
Our group has finally finished (almost) the concept board for the film noir OTS.
I'm putting the prezi into my blog
I'm putting the prezi into my blog
Thursday, 11 November 2010
My team Im working with
Im gonna be working with Sam High and Lee Cooper for our media task. I'll make a little widget for them so you can be linked off my page over to them and see what they're putting
Tuesday, 9 November 2010
Monday, 18 October 2010
im having a problem with the filmed footage coming through to Song Vegas, I will look into solutions
Update; I will Look into soultions this weekend. week begining the 15th november
Update; I will Look into soultions this weekend. week begining the 15th november
Uploading Videos from the media trip thingy
Basically, I went with the 6th form media and lower years to Epic studios (who organised a 'Epic' day (sorry for bad pun)) I am going to try and compile the videos all together into one 'Epic' video, i might put voice over perhaps. but my plan is to open the video editing software and spam the keyboard a few times and hopefully something good will come.
Saturday, 16 October 2010
Sound equipment update
So i did a simple search into google and found a few items on amazon that might be helpful for recoding decent sound
I know that a mic for the boom pole is missing but thats just to show pricing, i wonder if EMA or the school can help fund these?
I know that a mic for the boom pole is missing but thats just to show pricing, i wonder if EMA or the school can help fund these?
Looking into Sound recording devices
Since i hate tinny unfitting sound supporting films, So i'm going to look into different sound recording devices such as boom mics and whatever i can find
Thursday, 14 October 2010
Tuesday, 12 October 2010
Film Noir research and still frames
I tried to type up the stuff but got bored and found it hard so im gonna do it in Prezi
(even though its confusing at times but it should be good to watch)
(even though its confusing at times but it should be good to watch)
Thursday, 7 October 2010
How 'I am legend' met and broke the conventions of the opening sequences in film making.
This was meant to be up about 3 days ago but i got confused and so i wrote a mini essay about this rather than a small blog post. I however was told this was still good material to post on my blog, so here it is. This will take about 30 minutes probably to post
So without further notes, here is it;
How 'I am Legend met and broke the conventions of the opening title sequences in the
How 'I am Legend met and broke the conventions of the opening title sequences in the
film making
With normal convention abiding films the opening title sequence is about 2 minutes long, 'I am Legend's OTS however is more than 2 minutes in length. This however, is justified due to the nature of the film's plot. Another thing 'I am Legend' does that breaks convention is that it hasn't got a non-digetic sound score for the OTS. This adds to the plot and realistic feel to the film. Normally the opening title sequence features small credits to some of the film making team and also introduces the name of the film, 'I am Legend' doesn't do this and so there is nothing to interrupt the audiences attention. Normal OTSs exposes the audience to the film quickly but but with 'I am Legend' the exposure of characters and plot takes a long while to occur 'I am Legend' doesn't break all conventions, however, it still has enigmas to keep the audiences attention, it also establish where the film is set, for 'I am Legend' this is show by the city's landscape and the distinctive yellow cab taxis, (showing this is New York) also it shows the state of the city with overrun buildings, broken roads and an old army presence within the city. Also 'I am Legend' also has a hook to draw the audience; such as why is the city like this what happened after the cure for cancer was found, why are the roads and city overrun, why is this guy with a gun hunting a deer in the middle of the city, what happened and whats happening 'I am Legend' has a small part of the OTS showing a small part of faked archived footage and running audio with out running footage. Also the archived footage of the TV interview is of a different ratio to the standard widescreen cinematic view, this lets the audience know its on TV and not being filmed (viewed) as the auidence of the interview. The way 'I am Legend' breaks and keeps to the film OTS conventions adds tension and feel to the film and also keeps the audience interested for the full run time of the film
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
My Prezi is now up and running as a gadget. I had to seperate some of the text to stop the whole 'block' text feel. Now it feels like a fairly decent prezi.
I found embedding the prezi fairly easy, I took a little longer on this than i should of because i was edting my prezi whilst i was trying to embed it.
With in the last 60 mins of this media lesson i just went around my ict skills with a feather duster, so to speak.
I found embedding the prezi fairly easy, I took a little longer on this than i should of because i was edting my prezi whilst i was trying to embed it.
With in the last 60 mins of this media lesson i just went around my ict skills with a feather duster, so to speak.
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